Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
Change is life. Just as a small child grows and matures, so we - as Christians - must do the same. It's a sign of healthy life. If that same child didn't grow, Mom and Dad would be worried and searching out the doctor to find out what was wrong! Change is required in living things. Otherwise we stagnate and die.
Let's remember that the next time the pastor wants to implement a new program or the Sunday School teacher changes the format of the her class. Change can be healthy and even fun. Look for the good in the changes you face. Life will be much less stressful, if nothing else.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Jesus First
Putting Jesus FIRST in everything we do is the secret to real and lasting joy. Note, I didn't say happiness. Happiness is a fleeting thing. Joy is deep-seated and immovable. But joy requires submission to God, i.e., putting Jesus first.
Have you found real JOY for your life? Want it? Ask the Lord to enable you to put Him first in everything you do! Putting others second will naturally follow when that's the way you live each day.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Resting in the Lord
This psalm is full of phrases that encourage trusting and waiting on the Lord. Obviously, the two attitudes are at cross-purposes. You can't trust or wait on the Lord while you're angry and fretting. And if you're angry and fretting, you're not trusting and waiting on the Lord. I've asked the Lord today to help me stop fretting over things I can't control and to help me trust Him to know what's best.
A good friend gave me a little plaque one time that reads "Ain't nothing gonna happen today that me and the Lord can't handle together!" That's so true! By God's grace and mercy, I hope to keep that thought in mind. Just for today.
Friday, December 5, 2008
This is the Day that The Lord has Made...
Are you glad today? Are you enjoying the day God has given you? Or are you stressed over things you can't control, circumstances you're having to face?
I found myself stressing for awhile. Working at my husband's upholstery shop today, away from my home office, I struggled for over an hour trying to get my email set up to send a message I needed to send to an online associate. It never happened. Then - out of the blue as is so often the case - this verse came to me.
The Holy Spirit reminded me that THIS is the day God made for ME. Away from my home (I'm a MAJOR home-body). Out of my comfort zone (the older I get the bigger an issue this is). Not able to follow MY agenda (ouch!). It was a needed reminder.
[Thank you, Jesus... this is the day you made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.] I hope you all are rejoicing, too!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I'm SO Embarrassed!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Marriage By the Book... Compromising Positions
Christian marriage Q & A from a minister, writer and successful marriage partner of nearly 25 years!
DISCLAIMER: While I am a pastor, I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist or degreed counselor. Please understand this (I will remind you often). What I *am* is a wife of nearly 25 years who has made many observations, both humorous and grave, enlightening and frustrating, and who has come to many conclusions about marriage. The purpose of this column will be to share the Biblical insight God has given on this remarkable union between woman and man, and to share the minuscule traces of wisdom that I've acquired from doing marriage wrong, and doing it right!
Q. My husband and I love each other very much, but we fight and argue all the time! We both regret it, and make up quickly, but we seem to disagree about everything. Can you offer any advice?
* Personal details have been changed.
Marie, let me encourage you and tell you that if you and your husband are both willing to compromise, you can get beyond this problem and have a happy and peaceful marriage! Trust me... I've been there.
My husband and I fell in love very soon after we met, but we were (and are!) polar opposites in personality and temperament. I'm a high strung, creative, do-it-now, quick-decision-making type person. He's a low-key, laid-back, take-it-easy, don't-make-a-decision-until-you've-thought- about-every-angle type. We clashed on our second date!
We were not Christians at the time, which made matters worse, but even after Jesus changed our lives, we battled for years to get along peaceably. Here are some hard-learned lessons that helped us come to the place we are today where we can barely remember the last time we truly argued. Mind you, we still disagree! But we've learned to do so agreeably. Perhaps these principles will help you and your husband.
1. Put your spouse's needs before your own.
This is easier said than done, but it's crucial to a right relationship -- marriage or otherwise! James 4:1-2 says, "What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it... You quarrel and fight." When we put OUR desires and OUR wants before those of others, we not only do not please God, who expects us to "love our neighbors as [ourselves]," (Matthew 22:39) but we also cause fights and quarrels with others because of our self-centered attitudes.
"Giving in" is not "giving up." Contrary to popular belief, you don't lose a part of yourself because you compromise or let someone else have their way. Especially with unimportant matters. You actually become a better person when you learn to put others ahead of yourself.
2. Communicate calmly and clearly.
Another biggie if you want to get along better with anyone -- and especially your spouse -- is to learn to communicate well. Don't yell or scream (I'm guilty of this one!). Don't get mad and pout. Don't expect someone to know what you mean if you don't express yourself clearly. We may (and hopefully, do!) love each other when we marry, but we don't *know* each other. We must learn to understand how our spouse thinks and how s/he reacts to certain situations. And if we want our spouse to know US better, we have to teach them about us as well.
If you have a complaint, express it, but do so quietly, without raising your voice or becoming overly upset. Attack the problem, NOT the person. Don't insult your spouse or call names. Discuss the situation as calmly as possible and look for a mutually agreeable solution. Again, not easy to do, but you'll be amazed at the difference it makes in your marriage!
3. Compromise.
I know from personal experience that if I had to choose only one piece of advice for a new couple, this would be it, yet it's the one area that so many newlyweds neglect.
If your husband doesn't like you to leave the cap off the toothpaste, put the cap back on the toothpaste. If your wife hates it when you leave the toilet seat up, put the toilet seat down. If you want a green sofa, but your husband hates green, get a blue sofa, or a brown one that you BOTH like. Learn to compromise.
I call this common courtesy. It begins at home.
So what if you've "always done it that way," or if you don't understand "why it's such a big deal"? If it's causing an argument, it's a big enough deal to change. So change it. What's more important... leaving the cap off the toothpaste or making your husband happy?
We marry to be with someone who loves us and to share our love with someone else. A major aspect of love is in the giving... if we truly learn to give, we will eliminate the majority of our marital spats and can literally change our marriage overnight. Try it and see for yourself.
(All scripture references taken from the NIV unless otherwise noted.)
Darlene "Dee" Bishop is a writer and creative designer with decades on online experience and the owner of Bishop's Corner, an online/catalog shop offering hundreds of quality gifts, home decor items, toys, housewares, furniture and more with nearly 1,000 products under $20. Visit her today at
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Christian Discussion Forums
It looks like fun! They offer all kinds of interraction, games, prayer support, Biblical counsel and much more. It's the largest Christian forum I recall visiting. And it appears to be very active. We'll see.
Check it out and let me know what you think!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Beauty is More Than Skin Deep
You'll find posts relating to "safe" cosmetics, how to choose the right color for your skin and more beauty topics, along with encouragement for Christian women and even a neat contest where you can win an autographed book, Beauty Secrets of the Bible.
It's a girly pink blog (and there's nothing wrong with that!) and one that many Christian women will enjoy reading.
What's Your Website Worth?
Don't know that you'd be able to sell it for what they say, but it's a good starting place to give you an idea of how to price a website. I've used it in the past and got close to what they projected as my value for a site. So, what's your site worth?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Marriage By the Book... Marriage that Lasts
Christian marriage Q & A from a minister, writer and successful marriage partner of nearly 25 years!
DISCLAIMER: While I am a pastor, I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist or degreed counselor. Please understand this (I will remind you often). What I *am* is a wife of nearly 25 years who has made many observations, both humorous and grave, enlightening and frustrating, and who has come to many conclusions about marriage. The purpose of this column will be to share the Biblical insight God has given on this remarkable union between woman and man, and to share the minuscule traces of wisdom that I've acquired from doing marriage wrong, and doing it right!
Q: I'm not married yet, but when I do marry, I want it to last forever. What can I do to ensure I don't end up in divorce court like so many of my friends?
Read Marriage By the Book... Priority One! And then be sure that you give your marriage priority in your life. If you're serious about building a successful marriage, it takes work... a LOT of work. That old adage that "marriage is a 50/50 proposition" is a lot of hogwash (what IS hogwash, anyway?). At any rate, it just isn't true. Marriage takes 100% from BOTH partners to succeed. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently!
There may be times when one partner is able -- or required -- to give more than the other. But at other times those roles will be reversed. We carry each other sometimes. That's one of the reasons we're together. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, says "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up..." This applies to marriage as well. It's a partnership that involves teamwork and devotion.
Put Christ first in your life and your spouse second, and you'll do a lot toward ensuring you never end up in divorce.
(All scripture references taken from the NIV.)
Darlene "Dee" Bishop is a writer and creative designer with decades on online experience and the owner of Bishop's Corner, an online/catalog shop offering hundreds of quality gifts, home decor items, toys, housewares, furniture and more with nearly 1,000 products under $20. Visit her today at
Friday, February 22, 2008
Successful Promotion Using Flyers
Some simple tips to make your promotion successful:
• Make sure your design is clean and uncluttered.
• Proofread!
• Add a simple photo or graphic... not mandatory, but adds visual interest.
• Copy on colored paper, if you like, but opt for pastels rather than brights - they're easier to read.
Once you've designed and printed your flyers, leave them EVERYWHERE!
• Under doors
• On counters at neighborhood stores
• Stapled or taped to utility poles (if your city or county allows this!)
• On community bulletin boards
• At schools and colleges
• Enlist your kids to go door-to-door
• Swap distribution with others who have flyers, too - you hand out theirs and they hand out yours
• On car windshields
• ANYWHERE else you can think of!
Flyers are a proven, low-cost marketing method that truly works to get your business name known in your community. Make the most of them and watch your business grow!
Darlene "Dee" Bishop is a writer and creative designer with decades on online experience and the owner of Bishop's Corner, an online/catalog shop offering hundreds of quality gifts, home decor items, toys, housewares, furniture and more with nearly 1,000 products under $20. Visit her today at
Thursday, February 21, 2008
What Should We Pray?
As a pastor, it's sad to say that my own prayers bore me at times. My lack of imagination causes me to pray the same things over and over...
"Lord... meet their needs. Draw them to you. Forgive them. Open their eyes. Heal them. Touch them."
While the desire is to see God work - and that's a good thing - there are times when I yearn for more creative, original thoughts when praying.
Here are three things that I've "borrowed" from others whose prayers have touched my heart and reached into my soul. Perhaps they'll help you as much as they've helped me.
• Pray the Scriptures.
There are many beautiful passages in the Scriptures that truly draw our hearts toward God. The Psalms, being poetry and songs, especially seem to invite us to let the words become our own.
Psalm 100 has always been a favorite of mine, perhaps because it was one of the few I memorized as a child. But Psalm 51, Psalm 37 and Psalm 24 have also meant a lot to me in times of need and I have prayed them often.
When looking for other passages, the books of Isaiah, Joshua and John come to mind as offering a number of sample prayers. Then there's the well-known "Prayer of Jabez" (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) and of course, Psalm 23 and the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-12) which are classics.
• Pray a song.
There are many wonderful hymns that are actually prayers. Select your favorites and sing or recite them to the Lord. But don't neglect newer numbers. Many contemporary songs offer amazing, creative approaches for communing with God.
Bob Carlisle, best known for his hit, "Butterfly Kisses," has recorded several songs that I've personally used as prayers many times. His songs "Use Me" and "Chance I Have to Take" from his debut album had more to do with me accepting God's call to full-time ministry than anything else in my life at the time. The lyrics of these two songs became, literally, the cries of my heart. And God heard those cries and called me to full-time service for Him.
Be careful what you pray for.
• Read the prayers of others.
Books of Christian poetry often contain prayers. Or you can visit some wonderful Websites with prayers and poems to help you creatively draw near the Father.
While I'm not a member of the Roman Catholic church, I thoroughly enjoy the idea of praying the Apostles' Creed as many Catholics do. Then there is always the "Serenity Prayer." You can also search Google or Yahoo for websites with "sample prayers" for many other options.
There are many other options for praying, including memorized prayers, silent meditations and simple conversations with God. While prayer doesn't have to contain flowery phrases or uniquely imaginative words, it does help us to put some thought into our prayers so they don't become simply "sounding brass" or "clanging cymbals" in the ears of our Lord.
Article copyright © by Darlene Bishop. All rights reserved worldwide.
Darlene "Dee" Bishop is a writer and creative designer with decades on online experience and the owner of Bishop's Corner, an online/catalog shop offering hundreds of quality gifts, home decor items, toys, housewares, furniture and more with nearly 1,000 products under $20. Visit her today at
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Marriage By the Book... Priority One
Christian marriage Q & A from a minister, writer and successful marriage partner of nearly 25 years!
DISCLAIMER: While I am a pastor, I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist or degreed counselor. Please understand this (I will remind you often). What I *am* is a wife of nearly 25 years who has made many observations, both humorous and grave, enlightening and frustrating, and who has come to many conclusions about marriage. The purpose of this column will be to share the Biblical insight God has given on this remarkable union between woman and man, and to share the minuscule traces of wisdom that I've acquired from doing marriage wrong, and doing it right!
As I share information on this topic from time to time, I hope you'll take the time to share your comments, ideas and questions, as well as your own insights about marriage. You may agree or disagree, think I'm right on target or absolutely insane -- I'd like to hear it all. (But please be nice... God isn't finished with me yet, and tears might ruin my keyboard!)
Q: What's the most important piece of advice you can offer a newly married couple?
A: Though it sounds like a bridal shower game, my first thought is the importance of communication. You MUST be able to communicate with your spouse! Men being the creatures (from another planet?) that they are, this is much more difficult for them than for women.
But then there is trust... who can have a marriage without trust? And honesty, which goes hand-in-hand with trust. And compatibility... an almost forgotten aspect of marriage. And what about kindness, and forgiveness, and self-sacrifice? All of these are important to a healthy marriage. But the *most important* aspect of a successful marriage? I'd say that the marriage be centered around Christ.
Psalms 127:1 says, "Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain." This applies to the home, as well. Without Christ as our foundation, it's too easy to find fault with each other, to seek our own wants and selfish desires, and to forget that we have united to "become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). Build your marriage on a strong foundation with Jesus as the cornerstone and it can't fail!
Darlene "Dee" Bishop is a writer and creative designer with decades on online experience and the owner of Bishop's Corner, an online/catalog shop offering hundreds of quality gifts, home decor items, toys, housewares, furniture and more with nearly 1,000 products under $20. Visit her today at
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Ways to Get Articles Without Writing Them
Using a ghostwriter is one way, using private label rights articles you have bought is another option and doing an expert interview is yet a third way to generate quality articles for your ezine or website.
Summarizing another article is yet another way to provide content for readers. Give the original author credit within the body of your article and quote the article, or several articles, to create something new and unique.
This is a can't lose situation for everyone. You don't need to actually write an article, the writer who wrote the original article gets free publicity, and the reader gets fresh information they want or need. Everybody wins.
Using public domain articles related to your subject is one more option. Permission from the author to use their work isn't necessary, but letting your reader know where the content originated will keep their trust. Don't try to pass the words off as your own.
Use survey results from a self-conducted survey as an article. This means you'll have to write a little, but compiling the results and turning it into a fast article is easy and is not very time-consuming. You can create surveys through Survey Monkey at
Use government provided information. Articles written by United States Government authors are automatically in the public domain. The government is a prolific writer on a wide variety of topics. Visit any United States Government website and you will be greatly surprised with the amount of information that is free for the taking.
As you can see, providing quality articles without writing a single word, or with just a bit of writing is possible. The information and means is there. Use them to your profit and success.
Darlene "Dee" Bishop is a writer and creative designer with decades on online experience and the owner of Bishop's Corner, an online/catalog shop offering hundreds of quality gifts, home decor items, toys, housewares, furniture and more with nearly 1,000 products under $20. Visit her today at
Business Articles for Reprint
Have a topic you'd like to see covered? Let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Coping with Clutter
I've been dealing with the issue of clutter and organization since moving to Crossville, TN (from Knoxville, TN). We moved from a three bedroom home to a two bedroom and it has been HARD! But I've developed a few things that work for me:
* Find a place (even if it's just a box in the closet) for EVERYTHING. If you can't find a real place for an item, you need to ask yourself if you really need that thing.
* Put everything back in its place IMMEDIATELY after use, or at the very least before you go to bed. We don't have kids in the home now, but this was a rule when we did. They had to put away the toy they were playing with BEFORE getting another one out. Yeah, a few hassles to implement - but once it's done it makes life SO much easier.
And I quit fussing at hubby to pick up after himself and just started doing it myself. You pick your fights and that one wasn't worth the fight to me. :o)
* Get rid of EVERYTHING you don't need. As I've been unpacking and putting things away, I've re-considered every thing we own. If I feel we don't need it, I've put it in a yard sale box. I'm having a HUGE sale this spring and what doesn't sell is going to a thrift store somewhere. We don't need all this stuff and I can't stand the clutter any longer.
* Quit buying what you don't need. This has been hard for me. I love yard sales, thrift stores, etc. and I LOVE a bargain. But even if I like something, I grill myself as to whether or not I really need it, or have a place for it, or can afford it. If the answer is no to any of those questions, I don't buy it. This has been my biggest challenge, but I'm getting better at it. Just takes practice.
* Remember the adage... out of sight, out of mind? Well, for me, that applies to clutter. When I want to really clear things out, I get a big box, or a laundry basket, and dump everything in it... junk mail I want to look over, coupons I should use, catalogs, you name it. If I find myself looking for something, I check the box and pull out what I need. If I don't use it/look at it for a couple weeks or more, I go through the box one more time, then trash it. If it's important to me, I'll be looking for it right away.
These are some "top of my head" ideas, but they're things I do and things that work. Hope some of them help. Clutter is EXTREMELY stressful to me... I hate it! And I understand the need to deal with it to keep your sanity.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Create and Use a Sig File
To create your own sig file, Write a snazzy little blurb about your business - about 6-7 lines - and include it in every email message you send... even forwards and replies.
Here's mine:
Bishop's Corner
Nearly 1,000 Items $19.95 or Less!
Outlook and Outlook Express will manage this for you automatically.
In Outlook, go to Tools, Options, Mail Format, Signature Picker, New and insert your information.
In Outlook Express, go to Tools, Options, Signatures, New and insert your information.
You may find it easier to create your sig file in a text editor and then just paste it into the email program. But whatever you do, create a simple file, include your URL, and start today to use it in every email message you send.
For pastors, Christian business owners and others, a sig file can add a tremendous amount of traffic and exposure to your website. Worth the time and effort, don't you think?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Free Resources for Your Church
During the course of my ministerial studies in the Church of the Nazarene, and in serving as a pastor and evangelist, I have come in contact with many ministers, the majority of them in small churches with 50 or less members. As such, I've realized that most of these men and women are unaware of the vast array of free resources available to them and their congregations via the Internet.
There are literally hundreds, maybe thousands, of Christian Websites and organizations that provide free materials on a wide range of topics. At (the recognized best search engine online), there were 54,600,000 listings found when searching for "Christian resources." Not all of these are free, of course, but many are. These include such things as:
• Articles and newsletters on most any topic imaginable
• Vacation Bible School crafts, ideas and curricula
• Graphics for the church bulletin
• Web hosting for church Websites
• Original skits and full-length plays
• Poetry and Christian readings
• Sermon outlines and illustrations
• Bible studies
• Commentaries, concordances, Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias
• Printable games, puzzles, worksheets, and crafts
• Online prayer chains and support groups
• Statistics on the state of the church and Christianity in the United States
• Games, activities, devotionals, and more geared to specific age groups
• International recipes, languages, and other mission study resources
• Full-length texts from John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, Elmer Towns, and many other Christian writers and preachers
• Printable tracts
• Full-length books on a huge variety of topics
• Creative evangelism resources and ideas
• Church management, accounting and Bible study software
• Much, much more!
Here is just a sampling of specific resources found as of this writing:
Over 90 FREE Christian books
Can be used in a Christian home school curriculum for high school. Topics: Biblical worldview, Christian economics, Christian history, government, foreign policy, family, evangelism, Christian education, eschatology, much more.
Eldrbarry's "Do Them Yerselves" Vacation Bible School Materials
FREE VBS materials that can be adapted or used as is to launch a full-fledged Vacation Bible School.
AppleSauce Kids
Free Christian youth ministry materials and resources, group games, activities, coloring pages, crafts, Sunday school lessons, youth group ideas, and much more.
Constant Hope
Free Church bulletin ideas and content, free Christian booklets on prayer, peace, love and encouragement, free Scripture booklets dealing with prayer, peace, love and support.
Sermon resource center where you can search over 81,000 free sermons, illustrations and dramas.
New Testament Greek
Learn the grammar and syntax of New Testament Greek. Easy to understand Biblical Greek grammar and syntax for readers of English. Grammatical explanations and other resources for learning Greek.
The Barna Group
Information-heavy environment with data about current trends in our culture and analysis that you can trust and use.
Free books and valuable resources to use for the study of church growth, Sunday School, Christian education, Bible study and exposition, and Christian life. Includes many free, full-length books.
John Wesley's Christian Library
All 30 volumes of John Wesley's "A Christian Library," scanned from the 1821 edition of these classics.
CBN's Tract and Literature Ministries
Free Bible-based teaching sheets to help people understand God and Christian beliefs in a clear, concise format.
Free downloadable bulletin inserts for personal or church use.
World Missionary Press
Interdenominational faith ministry producing 48-page topical Scripture booklets in 318 languages, plus Bible studies and New Testaments for free worldwide distribution.
Free youth ministry resources for youth pastors, ministers, workers and volunteers. Online resources include a job center, free lessons, a searchable directory of ministries, game and lesson ideas.
As stated, these are only a very small sample of the abundance of free and low-cost resources available for pastors and churches. As a pastor and Christian writer, I encourage you to make the most of the wealth of free resources available to assist you and your congregation in reaching lost and hurting souls for Jesus.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Never Alone
No matter what I'm doing, where I have to go, Jesus is there beside me. Not only guiding and directing, but simply keeping me company. Being a loving, faithful Companion so that I need never be lonely.
Do you have that assurance in your own life? It's available for anyone who asks. Just ask.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Jesus--the sinless Son of God in the flesh!--surrendered Himself to be arrested, mocked, spit upon, ridiculed, beaten, and stripped naked. He trudged down a long, dusty road carrying a cross that was so heavy He fell under the weight of it and someone had to help Him lift it back up and carry it for Him. He allowed men who hated Him to drive nails into His hands and hoist Him up on this same rough, wooden cross. His flesh was ripped. His body was pierced. And then He said... "Father, forgive them. They don't even know what they're doing!" Can we really grasp what He did for us?
And then we--especially in America--talk about giving sacrificially. We don't give sacrificially. We give out of our abundance. We may pay our 10% tithe--many Christians don't even do that! And if we do pay our tithes, the 90% we have left is greater than what most people in the world have. Then we fuss and feud if the pastor asks for a special offering to meet a need in the church and accuse him or her of "always asking for money." If we truly gave sacrificially, the pastor wouldn't have to ask for money. The church bank account would be full and we could eliminate social service programs because the Church would be doing her job and meeting the needs of the poor and hungry.
Sacrifice... a hard word. An even harder concept. What do you think about it?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Christian Business
I went to a business leads sharing/networking group today. It's a small group here in Crossville, TN. I enjoyed it (and got a free lunch out of the deal). They're modeled after Business Networking International(BNI), but much less expensive ($120 per year compared to $450 which is the last I heard on BNI). I'm considering joining.
As the owner of Bishop's Corner, where I offer catalog and online shopping with over 3,400 products (nearly 850 of them priced $19.95 or less!), I've been working hard to find new customers and grow the business - like everyone else, I guess. Ideally, working with other business owners seems like a good fit. I can offer discounted pricing for store decor and customer or client gifts. Along with the personalized service and guaranteed returns, it's a goof fit for other businesses as well. I'd like to think this networking group could help me make some profitable connections, while allowing me to help other business owners by directing business their way.
What do you think? Do you belong to a similar group? I'd love to hear your thoughts as I struggle with my decision.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Think on Good Things
My childhood included a lot of name calling and emotional abuse. For a sensitive child who never felt loved, negativity impacted me in profound ways that I didn't understand until many years after I became a Christian. Having been raised to think that it was perfectly normal to argue all the time, to complain and find fault with everything that touched my life, it took a long time for Jesus to rid me of those "demons."
I wanted to be calm, loving, accepting of others. But I found it too easy to slip back into old patterns of negative thought... which led to negative words, and ultimately, negative actions.
By God's grace, I've learned that I have to stop those thoughts in their tracks, so to speak, and quickly change the way I'm thinking--the things I'm saying to myself and allowing to "roll around" in my brain. I have to truly take every thought into captivity (2 Corinthians 10:5) because out of the issues of my heart, my mouth does indeed speak (Proverbs 4:23).
The type of things I choose to think about, good or bad, affect what I say, which in turn, affects how I feel, how I act and more. If I think on good things such as the blessings God has given me, the hope I have in Him and in my life because of Him, the prayers He's answering, and the love that surrounds me, I feel blessed. I feel hopeful. I have faith. And life is good.
If on the other hand, I think on negative things such as my body aches, or my money struggles, or my discouragements and disappointments... then my head hurts, my stomach churns, I get cranky and impatient, and--if I keep it up--depression follows.
WHY would I choose to feel that way?!
Scripture tells us to "think on good things" (Philippians 4:8). There's a reason for that. Our Creator knows how negative thinking affects our lives. I pray our Lord will help me (and you!) to focus on Him and the abundance of blessings He brings into our lives everyday...
• A loving spouse
• A church to love and care for
• Plenty of material blessings
• A warm home
• Good friends
• Sunshine and clouds
• Rain and snow
• Music
• Laughter
• A business I enjoy
• SO much more!
And I trust Him to answer that prayer. Doesn't it make you feel better just reading that short list of the good things He gives us?
Friday, February 1, 2008
Fear of Success
For years, I've wrestled with this issue of being a devout Christian and being successful. It's as if there is a mental block that stops me from really pushing myself toward success. As a self-analyst, I think this issue is a two-fold one.
One, we typically equate success with wealth. Yes, we say that money isn't everything. And yes, we say that there is more to being successful than having money. But do we really believe it? How many people can you think of whom you would consider successful who aren't well-off financially? I can't think of any, personally. Well, maybe Mother Theresa, but she was a free-spirit and certainly atypical.
On the other side of this, since we typically equate success with money, we often struggle with the acceptance of our success because of the warning in 1 Timothy 6:10 that "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Christians (and others) have often distorted this verse to mean that money is the root of all evil. But that's not what the Bible says. The scripture states that the love of money is the problem. There is a definite distinction.
When I love money, I put it above everything else. It becomes more important to me than my family, my friends, even my Lord. That's the root of evil. Greed.
But money--in and of itself--is simply a tool. In the proper hands it can do tremendous good. And it fulfills a need by providing for our food, shelter, clothing. Having money to meet our needs is a gift from God. Why do we struggle so hard with this concept?
Maybe we're afraid that having too much money will turn us into the rich man who must pass through the eye of a needle to enter Heaven. I don't know. But I do know that it's okay to succeed.
The parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) expresses the Master's desire that we succeed at what He gives us to do. If our success didn't matter, He wouldn't have become upset with the servant who hid his talent in the ground. Success is something to be sought after.
Lord, help us to learn this truth and apply it to our daily Christian walks.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Blog Outage
Don't know if it's the flu or something else, just know I haven't been functioning and haven't been online in a few days. But by God's grace I'm feeling better (not completely well, but better). And prayerfully, life will return to "normal" now.
Thanks for your prayers on my behalf!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Practicing What We Preach
Is this just a matter of semantics? You say tomato and I say tomahto.
Is it simply that I consider a Christian to be someone who follows Christ's teachings to the best of his or her ability, while you consider a Christian to be simply a good person? Jesus said that whoever loves Him would keep His commands (John 14:21). Doesn't that define the essence of Christianity?
As a pastor and a devout Christian, I struggle with this daily. How can so many in the Church feel it's acceptable to live carnal Christian lives filled with self-will and selfish determination and believe that to be acceptable to our Lord? Too many in the Church demand their own way, criticize everyone they disagree with, lie, cheat and steal as if they are no different from those who don't claim to know Christ. How can that be? How do we justify that behavior?
Christianity is a state of being. It's to be lived not simply spoken.
Bruce Carroll's song, "I'd Rather See a Sermon," speaks to this issue so well...
- I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one anyday
I'd rather one would walk with me
Than merely show the way
Actions speak much louder
Than all the words can say
That's why I'd rather see a sermon
Than to hear one anyday.
Lord, help us to practice what we preach. How can we ever hope to win the hearts of those who don't know Jesus unless we do?