Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bible Reading Challenge

Photo Courtesy morgueFile.comLast night at church, the pastor mentioned a man who had been reading the Bible all the way through every single month. He spoke of how, if we would spend just one hour a day, we could read the Bible through three to four times a year, and if we spend just one half hour a day, we could read it throug over two times every year!

This really made me wonder...

Why don't we do that?

What is wrong with us as Christians that we are so afraid to spend time in God's Word?

Are we afraid of the illuminating power of the Word?

I don't have all the answers, but I want to challenge you—and myself!—to begin reading the Bible a minimum of 15 minutes every single day. Starting today! And if you can spend an hour, or a half hour, do it. But 15 minutes. Surely we can spare that much for our Savior?

I've already begun. Won't you join me?

Darlene 'Dee' Bishop

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pastor dreams about Daniel in the lion’s den

Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on Christian Daily Blog!

Photo Courtesy morgueFilePastor Donald prayed to God for guidance about how to improve his prayer life.

“I want to know that you are listening, Lord,” the pastor prayed. “Please show me how to grow closer to you when I pray.”

Pastor Donald concluded his prayer time by reading First Thessalonians 5:17: “Pray without ceasing.”

The pastor cried out to God, “Oh, Lord, how can I pray without ceasing? I have to sleep, plus I have to be active in the ministry to which you have called me. It’s impossible to pray every second of every day.”

“You don’t have to be physically down on your knees praying all the time,” replied the Lord. “But you always need to have an attitude of prayer.

“I love you very much,” said the Lord, “When you go to sleep tonight, you’re going to enter the world of Daniel the Prophet. After you go to sleep, you’ll have a special dream. You’ll see that Daniel was a great man of prayer.”

A few moments later, Pastor Donald was fast asleep. Immediately, the dream transported him into the past, where Daniel was praying.

In the Old Testament book of Daniel, King Darius had issued a decree that stated anyone who asked any petition of any God or man for 30 days, with the exception of King Darius, would be cast into the den of lions.

As soon as Daniel learned about the decree, he went into his house and prayed near his open window. When the king heard that Daniel had disobeyed his decree, he was sorry and wanted to deliver Daniel. But he was reminded that the decree could not be changed. Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, where he spent the night.

The next morning, Daniel told the king in Daniel chapter six, “My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt. Then was the king exceedingly glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God.”

Pastor Donald awoke from his dream. “Wow!,” he exclaimed. “Daniel was one courageous dude. He stood true to you and to your call on his life.”

Pastor Donald then told the Lord, “I’ve discovered that in the face of persecution, a child of God will always do well to keep the faith. I‘ve always known that you are the Creator, but I have also discovered you are the world’s greatest lion tamer!”

To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Pastor Offers Sweet Way to Announce Easter Truth

Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and visit his website to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!

Photo Courtesy morgueFilePastor East Err Sundae didn’t limit his messages about the resurrection of Jesus Christ to Easter Sunday morning.

So it came as no surprise to Pastor Sundae’s congregation when he announced that his sermon topic for April 25 would be “Jesus Christ is Risen!”

Pastor Sundae read his text…Luke 24:1-7... “Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments: And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.

The pastor made eye contact with members and visitors alike as he read his text. He then asked everyone to bow their heads while he asked God to bless the message.

“Heavenly Father, thank you for this opportunity to preach your Holy Word,” he prayed. “Please help your Word to do its work in our lives. Send your Holy Spirit to bring the changes we need in our hearts and bless us to your service. In Jesus name. Amen.”

Pastor Sundae preached the most heart-stirring message his congregation had ever heard. He concluded his message by saying, “Brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ is alive forevermore. He lives in and reigns from heaven, and He lives and reigns in our hearts.”

As was the custom after the church’s Easter services, everyone stayed for a potluck covered-dish lunch. Pastor Sundae’s wife, Sister I. Scream Sundae, prepared her popular dish, Corn Ontopa SmashTaters Casserole.

The pastor didn’t cook very often, but he always enjoyed creating a special dish for the special Easter potluck covered-dish meal. This year, Pastor and Mrs. Sundae’s granddaughter, East R. Bonnit, was celebrating her 10th birthday, so the pastor baked a birthday cake for her.

In the icing, Pastor East Err Sundae swirled “Happy Birthday, East R. Bonnit.” Then he swirled another message, “Jesus is not here, He is risen!”

“Why did you put the message about Jesus on the cake, Dear?,” asked I. Scream Sundae.

“I believe we are to take advantage of every opportunity to tell people about Jesus,” replied her husband. “And I don’t know of any commandment in the Bible that says, ‘Thou shalt not say, ‘Jesus is not here, He is risen’ on a birthday cake!’”

To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Always Head in the Right Direction

Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and be sure to contact him to let him know you saw him on Christen Daily Blog!

Photo Courtesy morgueFileMotorcycle, Bicycle and Tricycle were motoring down the Highway of Life.

They had left the glory and power of Easter, and they were headed toward the National Day of Prayer.

Along the way, they saw many beautiful, natural wonders - waterfalls, forests, rivers and mountains. After about a week, Four Wheel Car joined the caravan.

The foursome sang songs of liberty and happiness and shared stories of God’s provision and protection. “One day, a little doggie ran in front of me,” recalled Motorcycle. “God helped me to stop so I didn’t hit the little fella.”

“I was rolling through my neighborhood one Sunday afternoon, and a huge car tired to run me over,” said Tricycle. “But God was watching over me, and I did an emergency U-Turn. Within just a few moments, I was safe at home in my driveway.”

Unicycle joined the group several days after Four Wheel Car became a member. “Most of the time, I’m a loner,” Unicycle aid. “But you guys sounded so smooth and mellow as you were singing your easy listening gospel music that I just had to tag along.”

“We’re happy to welcome you,” said Tricycle. “Life’s road is sometimes difficult, and we can never have too many friends.”

Eighteen-Wheeler was rolling by, and he heard Tricycle’s comments. “I’d like to join the group,” said the Big Rig. “I’m tired of traveling the road all by myself. And since I’m so much bigger and faster than some of you, if we ever need to get somewhere in a hurry, all of you can hop inside and we can arrive at our destination in no time.”

Two-Wheel-Scooter eventually became the group’s final member. “What took you so long to join?,” asked Four Wheel Car.

“I’m not one to join too many groups,” Two-Wheel-Scooter replied. “But I’m sure glad I’m joining this one.”

The group of vehicles pulled into the parking area of a service station. “Those of us with engines must fill our tanks with the purest fuel available,” said Four Wheel Car.

“And add the proper fluids to keep the windshields clean,” added Eighteen-Wheeler.

“Don’t forget to check the pressure in your tires,” said Bicycle.

Unicycle told the group’s other members that she had made an observation. “We are all different shapes, sizes, and colors,” she said. “We look at life from a variety of perspectives. Some of us can travel faster than others, and we have been given talents to use for God’s glory.

“But what’s the most fascinating to me is that everything will always turn out OK on the Highway of Life because all of us are headed in the right direction. And if we continue to head in the right direction, we’ll always know where we’re going when we get there!”

To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Book Review: Beguiled by Deanne Gist and J. Mark Bertrand

Beguiled by Deanne Gist and J. Mark BertrandDeanne Gist, the author of two previous books, and J. Mark Bertrand, awaiting publication of his first, met in a writer's critique group and jokingly spoke of collaborating on a book. Having sprung the idea of a joint book on Mark, Deanne fully expected him to resist the idea. But he jumped on the chance, and Beguiled was born.

This is the story of Rylee Monroe, a young woman who was raised by her now-senile grandmother after her father disappeared and her mother died suddenly of an overdose of sleeping pills. Desiring to give her "Nonie" the best care possible, Rylee starts her own business walking dogs and caring for the pets of the well-to-do, animals she loves and are who give her the only sense of "family" that she has.

When a thief, dubbed the Robin Hood burglar by the media, begins to target the homes of Rylee's clients, she becomes the prime suspect in the robberies. And it seems the only ones on her side are her attorney, a long-time family friend, and a reporter, Logan Woods... and she's not so sure about Logan. Does he really care, or is he just looking for a scoop?

Beguiled is exactly my kind of book! It has suspense, intrigue, romance, a strong yet vulnerable heroine and hero... all the things my favorite books contain. And while I received this book from Bethany House to review, it's exactly the kind I search for when I purchase a new book (which is often).

I've read every book by both Dee Henderson and Terri Blackstock—my two favorite authors—and I can only hope that the team of Gist and Bertrand become as prolific in their writing. I can assure you, I'll be buying every one of theirs as well.

This one gets Five Stars, hands down!

Purchase Beguiled.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Life Worth Living Crisis Pregnancy Shelter

Photo Courtesy Flickr Creative CommonsLife Worth Living, a new Crossville, TN shelter for pregnant women, has been approved as a contender for a $50,000 grant from Pepsi. Grants are awarded based on the number of votes, so please vote for this! This is your chance to make a difference: in 2010 in Cumberland County, TN!

Eight pregnant women who needed shelter, couldn't find it because area shelters were full. Surrounding counties have similar statistics. Life Worth Living will have space for pregnant women in crisis from surrounding counties as well.

They need your votes and your friends' votes! Please tell everyone you know to vote for Life Worth Living!