Enjoy this guest post from author Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!
Macie, an elephant who lived in the largest city on a planet where all the residents were pachyderms, was planning a summer vacation.
Macie and her best friend, Maggie, went to numerous yard sales each week, so Macie decided to look for a new set of luggage in which to pack her vacation supplies: Sunscreen designed especially for tough skin, large bags of peanuts and a new pair of elephant boots. The boots were necessary because she needed to protect her feet from the hard, sharp rocks that covered the ground.
The month of May 2010 had almost finished its predestined trail through time, and Macie still needed her new luggage. Macie and Maggie arose early Saturday morning and headed for the yard sale sponsored by The Pachyderm Community Organization of the Planet. Since they were neighbors, Maggie offered to prepare breakfast so they would have plenty of energy for shopping.
As their destination came into view, Maggie observed that a couple of lady elephants were selling roasted peanuts. “Let's get several large orders of these delicious peanuts,” said Maggie. “It will be my treat, and it will help the organization raise a little more money for its various projects.”
“I know we ate breakfast at Maggie's Kitchen before we came here, but I'm always up for a generous helping of roasted peanuts, especially if they come from this great organization,” Macie said.
Macie and Maggie entered the building, purchased their peanuts, made themselves comfortable on the gigantic floor and began consuming their salty treats. The elephants ate so many peanuts that they closed their eyes, and soon they were fast asleep. About 15 minute later, Macie and Maggie awoke and, refreshed by their short nap, began shopping.
A large box labeled “Mystery Collectibles” caught Macie's eye. “Our friend Mollie will enjoy putting her ‘Mystery Collectibles' in this box,” she said.
“I don't know if all of Mollies' collectibles will fit in this box,” observed Maggie. “She has such a huge collection of collectibles.”
“I have a great idea!,” exclaimed Maggie. “Instead of buying this box for Mollie, why not buy it for yourself? You could use it for a suitcase when we go on vacation.”
“I don't really think that's such a good idea,” responded Macie. “I want to do something nice for Mollie. Besides, this box won't make a very good suitcase.”
“Even for an elephant, you are thick-skinned,” said Maggie.
“I'm no more of a thick-skinned pachyderm than you are,” replied Macie. “For one thing, I feel good after I do something nice for another elephant. For another thing, I've decided I don't need to buy a suitcase for vacation. I think the trunk I already have will hold everything I'll need to take with me!”
To contact the writer of this column about preaching and other speaking engagements, or puppet ministry, please e-mail kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!
Maureen and Mitch celebrated Father's Day several weeks early.
“I'm sorry I must work on Father's Day, because I know you and the kids would like to spend the afternoon with me,” said Mitch. “But since my job as a fireman requires me to work this Father's Day, we'll celebrate the holiday a couple of weeks early.”
“That's a wonderful idea, Dear,” said Maureen. “Would you like to eat lunch at your favorite restaurant?”
“Sure,” said Mitch. “But after we get back home, I'd like to change the routine a little. Instead of watching a baseball game like I usually do, I'd like for us to spend some quality time with the Lord.”
“What kind of quality time, Dad?,” asked Monty, the couple's son.
“Yeah, Dad, what kind of quality time?,” asked Monique, Monty's sister, whose favorite pastime was teasing her older brother.
“The first thing I'd like for us to do is spend some time praying to the Sovereign Lord,” said Mitchell. “We'll thank Him for His provision and ask Him for His guidance.”
“I think we should share our testimonies about how the Lord has worked in our lives,” said Monique.
“I can preach a short sermon,” said Monty, who at the tender age of 14, said he felt the Lord was calling him to attend Bible college and become a minister.
“I'll receive an offering,” said Mitch. “We can send the money to help missionaries build a church in another country.”
“This will be a different kind of Father's Day celebration,” said Maureen. “We should have done it years ago. I believe it will draw our family closer together and strengthen our relationship with our heavenly father.”
Mitch asked Monty if he thought the afternoon together would strengthen his relationship with his sister. “I don't think it will hurt,” Monty replied. “But we already have a great relationship. She just teases me too much.”
Mitch asked his son and daughter to rate his job as a dad. “You're a great father,” said Monique. You are a wonderful husband to mom, too.”
“I agree with Monique,” said Monty. “Plus, you're always taking us to church and teaching us about Jesus and how He shed His blood on the Cross and died for our sins.”
“I'm glad you came up with the idea for this special Father's Day celebration,” said Monique. “I think it will help all of us to appreciate each other more.”
“I hope it will help all of us appreciate our heavenly father more, too,” said Mitch. “After all, when it comes to being a father, the Sovereign Lord has more experience than all the dads in the world put together!”
To contact the writer of this column about preaching and other speaking engagements, as well as puppet ministry, please e-mail kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on Christian Daily Blog!
Francesca and Fred were stars who lived in different parts of God’s great and glorious universe.
Both Francesca and Fred had high opinions of themselves. “I’m the brightest star in the universe,” said Fred.
“Don’t be silly,” replied Francesca. “You’re the only star in the sky who doesn’t see my true brightness.”
“It seems that your opinion of yourself is the only one that counts,” said Fred. “You’re always talking about the brightness that overwhelms you when you’re standing in front of heaven’s mirror.”
“You’re just jealous,” said Francesca. “You’re a dreamer. You’re a wishful thinker. On the other hand, I’m a realist. I know what I see when I look at me. I see what I know when I look at me. I know what I think when I think about me.”
“You’re saying a lot, but you’re not saying anything,” said Fred. “You’re just talking in circles.”
“I’m millions of years older than you,” said Francesca. “That’s another reason to believe that I’m brighter than you.”
“Being millions of years older than me means only one thing,” replied Fred. “It means you’re millions of years older than me. It certainly doesn’t mean that you shine brighter than me.”
“There’s one more reason to say that I’m a brighter star than you,” said Francesca.
“I’m a graduate of the Heavenly Stars Celestial University,” Francesca said. “God himself handed my diploma to me!”
Francesca concluded her argument. “I’ve just given you all the reasons I am heaven’s brightest star,” she said. “Surely now you will concede the obvious.”
“The only thing I’m willing to concede is that you and I are very bright stars,” Fred said. “Only the Sovereign Lord, however, can judge which of us may have superior brightness. I know it may be highly unlikely, but He may say some other star is the brightest star in the Universe.”
Francesca giggled, “You’re so funny, Fred. God created us, so He knows more about us than we know about ourselves. Plus, it’s important to remember that each of us stars has been assigned a certain job to do.”
“I thought you were determined to have every star in the Universe bow at the Altar of the Mirror of Francesca,” said Fred.
“I do think I’m a very bright star,” Francesca beamed. “But since we started our little discussion, I’ve been thinking that while I may be the brightest star in the Universe tonight, you may shine more brightly tomorrow night.”
“The bottom line is no matter how brightly we shine, we’ll never outshine God’s Son, Jesus Christ,” said Fred.
“That’s right,” agreed Francesca. He created all of the stars in the Universe, and even on a cloudy day, He is far brighter than all of the rest of us put together!”
To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!
Thad bowed his heart before the Sovereign Lord as bedtime approached.
“Thanks for a great day, Heavenly Father,” Thad prayed. “I had a super day at work, and tonight’s church service was wonderful.”
Thad spent a couple of minutes adjusting his sheet and blanket. He closed his eyes and, within a few minutes, he was fast asleep.
Thad possessed a great creativity which manifested itself in the form of dreams. On this night, Thad’s creative juices flowed as an artist. Thad’s dreams were so real that when he awoke, the creative talents he experienced in his dreams manifested themselves in real life for about a week.
Thad’s week as an artist was very productive. He painted portraits of his favorite presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. He painted a vivid illustration of God’s Creation. And he drew a series of paintings depicting the progression of growth of an unborn baby in the womb.
The drawing from which Thad derived the most enjoyment was the one depicting the unborn baby acting and reacting, eating, praying, playing and sleeping. Even after his week of excelling as an artist, Thad couldn’t get Baby Thomas off his mind.
Thad decided to produce a series of paintings featuring Baby Thomas. And although most of Thad’s artistic ability had waned within a week of his dream, he discovered he could still paint very vivid images of Baby Thomas.
One of the Baby Thomas paintings featured the infant sucking his right thumb. In another painting, Baby Thomas bowed his head, worshipping the Creator.
Since people all over town were talking about the Baby Thomas paintings, Thad decided to open a small shop where the paintings could be displayed.
The Internet had become a popular communications tool, so Thad made a list of his favorite social networking sites. They were his favorites because he had started all of them. He used these sites to promote the opening of his shop.
The day for the shop’s grand opening soon arrived. A large crowd, including several visitors from surrounding states, showed up for the event. Thad gave away several door prices: Dinner-for-two at a popular steakhouse, a new TV, and a Bible.
After giving away the door prizes, Thad expressed this appreciation to attendees. He gestured toward one of the paintings on the wall. Baby Thomas’ head was moving up and down. He was wearing a big grin, and he was winking at the crowd, first with one eye, then the other.
Most of the crowd didn’t even see Baby Thomas’ movements in the painting, but Thurmond was very observant. Thurmond told Thad, You do a very good job of bringing a painting to life.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Thad said. “Just wait until he starts doing jumping jacks!”
To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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