Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!
Faith, Felicia and Fairness were second graders who loved to play “make believe” about their future careers.
One afternoon, however, the young ladies met to plan their futures for real. They met in a city park so they could enjoy the nice cool breeze. Faith’s mom accompanied them to the park, which was about one block from the community in which they lived.
After spending about two hours talking over various options, they announced their decisions.
“I must go first!,” exclaimed Felicia. “I can’t wait another second to share my thoughts!”
Knowing Felicia’s continued insistence on being first among the trio to make a major announcement, Faith and Fairness agreed to her request.
“I’m going to be a waitress in a fancy restaurant,” said Felicia. “I like listening to the relaxing music they play, and I love meeting new people. I’ll earn lots of tips, so I’ll make enough money to support several missionaries.”
“Thanks for letting me go second,” said Fairness, who always enjoyed being in the middle of things.
“I’ve decided to work as an astronaut,” said Fairness. “I’m going to work on a contract basis as a corporate astronaut.”
“So instead of orbiting the earth for the government, you’ll be going around in circles for yourself,” said Faith.
“That’s a good way of putting it,” said Fairness. “Plus, I’ll make lots of money, and when I’m not flying, I’ll be able to earn millions of dollars as a public speaker.
“I plan to give most of that money to a charity that helps needy children. Plus, I’d like to build a bunch of new orphanages all over the world.”
“How about you, Faith?,” asked Felicia. “What’s tugging at the strings of your heart?”
“I want to be a missionary,” said Faith. “Every time a missionary comes to our church, I get so excited about the work they are doing…you know…helping sick and hungry children and telling them about Jesus Christ, digging wells so people in small villages can have clean water, and providing Bibles and other written materials for evangelism projects.”
Faith told her friends that she didn’t know in which country she wanted to serve. “I do know I’d like to visit China, Great Britain, and Liberia,” she said.
Faith, Fairness and Felicia then stood in a circle, clasped each other’s hands and prayed for God to direct their lives.
“Lead us by your Holy Spirit, so we will always do your will,” prayed Fairness. “In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Felicia then prayed the prayer. Her “Amen!” was so loud that she startled her friends.
“You shouldn’t pray so loudly,” joked Fairness. “We don’t want to offend anyone!”
Looking to the right, then to the left, Faith proclaimed, “There’s no one around except for a few birds and butterflies, and they’re smart enough not to be offended!”
To contact the writer of this column about preaching and other speaking engagements, as well as puppet ministry,please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!
Two pastors, who had been close friends for many years, began meeting once each week to discuss local, regional, national and world issues.
Old-Fashioned Pastor and Contemporary Minister both loved the Lord, but they didn’t always see eye-to-eye on their topic of conversation.
The pastors decided to conduct a special two-week series on man-made global warming. Each church was scheduled to host one of the discussions.
The first discussion was held in Contemporary Minister’s church. “Thanks for hosting the first discussion in our two-part series,” said Old-Fashioned Pastor.
“I’m glad to do it,” said Contemporary Minister. “And thank you for hosting next week’s session.”
“Let’s get right into our conversation,” said Old-Fashioned Pastor. “You believe in the concept of man-made global warming, correct?”
“I most certainly do,” said Contemporary Minister. “Surely, you’ve noticed that this summer is the hottest summer on record in this community!”
“We have experienced a big heat wave over the last few weeks,” replied Old-Fashioned Pastor. “But that fact doesn’t prove that global warming is true. All it means is that we’re having a very hot summer.”
Old-Fashioned Pastor continued, “Now if the average temperature in this community increases by two or three degrees a year for the next 20 years, I would say that it was warmer here over a short period of time. For me, it still wouldn’t prove the idea of man-made global warming.”
“Many scientists are convinced that global warming is taking place,” said Contemporary Minister. “That’s the primary reason I agree with the concept.”
“Many scientists don’t go along with the theory, and I agree with those scientists,” countered Old-Fashioned Pastor.
The following week’s session was held in Old-Fashioned Pastor’s church. “The temperatures this week were even hotter than they were last week,” said Contemporary Minister. “What do you say to that?”
“It was so hot that although the central heat and air is working at my home, the temperature on the inside of the house was almost as hot as the outside temperature,” said Old-Fashioned Pastor. “But I just cannot go along with the concept of man-made global warming. I do, however, believe in the concept of God-made global warming.”
“What do you mean?,” asked Contemporary Minister.
Old-Fashioned Pastor replied, “Listen to the words of the book of Revelation, chapter 16: ‘And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.’
“So it appears to me,” said Old-Fashioned-Pastor, “that global warming may be on the way, but I don’t think it will be anything that man will want to take the credit for!”
To contact the writer of this column about preaching and other speaking engagements, as well as puppet ministry,please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!
Abbie and Arthur had been married for five years and they were praying for a son.
Abbie was trusting that the Lord would give her the desire of her heart. Thus far, however, she had not been able to conceive.
“Oh, God!,” she exclaimed. “Please hear my grieving spirit! Give me a son, and I will raise him to praise and glorify your name!”
Arthur also prayed to the Father, asking Him to allow his wife to bear a son. “Sovereign Lord!,” he cried, “I promise if you give us a son, I will be the best father I can be!”
About three months later, Abbie and Arthur visited a physician, who had great news for them. “In a few months, you two will become parents,” said the doctor.
The physician, Dr. Babee Deliverer, also had a surprise for the happy couple. “It seems that the Lord is blessing you with four sons!,” he said.
“Four sons!” exclaimed Abbie. “Now that is a surprise, I was pretty sure I was expecting, but I wasn’t anticipating so much of a blessing. Thanks for the good news, Doctor.”
“Yes, Doctor, thanks for bearing the glad tidings,” said Arthur. “We may even name one of the boys after you.”
“It would be a huge honor for me if you gave them Biblical names like Adam, Moses, Matthew and Paul,” said the doctor.
After Abbie and Arthur left Dr. Babee Deliverer’s office, they returned home, enjoyed a quiet dinner, then went for a walk in a nearby park. The couple walked over several scenic trails.
“This park is certainly quiet,” observed Arthur. “The only sounds I hear are the rustling of the wind through the trees and the cheerful singing of the birds.”
The tranquility was interrupted by a loud, “Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad! I’m Matthew, your son. Thanks for bringing my brothers and me to this fantastic park. It’s so peaceful. Adam, Moses and Paul can’t talk to you yet, but I thought I’d pop up for a little chat.”
“This conversation certainly is a pleasant surprise,” said Arthur. “Your mom and I both prayed for a son, but it was a real shock when we learned four of you guys were on the way.”
“Very true,” said Abbie. “But I’m just thinking…if all four of you are hungry at the same time, I won’t know which of you to feed first.”
“I’ll help you make that decision, Mom,” said Matthew. “I am now putting in an official request to get my bottle first.”
“OK, Punkin,’” said Abbie. “But I still have one unanswered question. We prayed for one boy, but the Sovereign Lord is blessing us with four.”
“That’s easy, Mom,” said Matthew. “When you pray to God with a special request, sometimes you get much more than you bargain for!”
To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!
Pastor-Teacher decided to conduct a prophecy seminar in his hometown on the Last Days.
“If it catches on, I may promote it nationwide,” he said. “The Last Days is a very important topic.”
Pastor-Teacher asked PR Volunteer to give away free tickets to the seminar. Due to the great interest in the seminars, Pastor-Teacher rented Local Community Building in which to conduct the event. The building, which had a seating capacity of 2,000 people, was used for a variety of purposes, including funerals, weddings, birthday parties and Christian worship services.
On the day of the event, Pastor-Teacher realized that all 2,000 seminar tickets had been distributed, and requests for 4,000 additional tickets had been received. He contacted local TV Station and Local Radio Station, both of which agreed to air the seminar.
Local Newspaper Reporter also attended the seminar to record Pastor-Teacher’s comments and write a front-page story for the following day’s paper.
All members of the media positioned themselves in such a way that they would be able to report accurately everything that happened during the seminar.
Pastor-Teacher began the seminar by quoting Revelation 1:3-8:
is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
"John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;
"And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
"And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”
“Does anyone have anything to say before we continue with tonight’s lesson?,” asked Pastor-Teacher.
“I do,” spoke up Seminar Attendee. “I had a Revelation Moment at my home earlier this week. We only have one clock in the house, and for some reason it stopped running at 2 a.m. I’ve been studying about the cessation of time and the beginning of eternity. When I awoke at 7 a.m. and saw that the clock had stopped several hours before, I thought eternity had already begun!”
To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!
Brand New Airlines of the Christian Faith offered in-flight chapel services on all its flights.
The airline’s chaplain, Pastor Carl, continuously exhibited a positive attitude. “I like to live with my head above the clouds,” he joked.
Pastor Carl faithfully conducted worship services aboard the airline’s No. 1 Airplane every Saturday and Sunday. “You don’t have to miss out on worshipping God in church just because it’s the weekend,” he said.
Pastor Carl used a variety of tools to illustrate his messages. One Saturday, several passengers were asked to compose and recite short poems about their relationship with Jesus Christ. The following day, he asked passengers to share a few brief testimonies.
Pastor Carl used the airplane’s take-off and landing processes to describe the mountains and valleys of life. “Each of us experiences life’s highs and lows,” he observed. “But through all of our joys and trials, the Lord Jesus Christ is with us.”
One weekend, Pastor Carl was sick, so he asked his assistant chaplain, Pastor Cornett, to share God’s Word with the passengers. “I would be thrilled to fill in for you,” said Pastor Cornett in a phone call from Pastor Carl. “I look forward to flying again. I haven’t flown for many years. Do you have any tips about in-flight ministry that you can share with me?”
“Well, let’s see,” said Pastor Carl. “You must remember that you are ministering to people of varying faith backgrounds. You must share the love of the Lord with all passengers, giving an equal opportunity to each of them to hear about God’s mercy and love.”
“No problem,” said Pastor Cornett. “That’s the approach I use with every sermon I preach at the church where I serve as the pastor. And my associate minister, Pastor Charlie, looks at ministry the same way that I do. He realizes the importance of everyone having an opportunity to hear about how much Jesus loves them.”
Pastor Cornett told Pastor Carl that Pastor Charlie believed adults should be ministered to in a way that even children can understand. “Pastor Charlie uses puppets, kids songs and other tools from which both children and adults can benefit,” Pastor Cornett said.
“The only problem with me filling in for you is that Pastor Charlie’s wife, Sister Charlotte, has to work. You see, Sister Charlotte plays the piano for Pastor Charlie when he conducts the services. She works as a flight attendant for Brand New Airlines of the Christian faith.
“Pastor Charlie has a tendency to become really excited when he is ministering, and Sister Charlotte helps calm him down. With Sister Charlotte up-in-the-air in her role as a flight attendant, when Pastor Charlie’s excitement begins to rise, no one will be there to bring him back down to earth!”
To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!
Christian Locomotive was the leader of a train which included himself, Christian Boxcar and Christian Caboose.
Locomotive, who had a very outgoing personality, was glad Boxcar and Caboose had elected him to be the train’s illustrious leader, and he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity because he truly wanted to serve the community and the country.
“The view is great from this vantage point,” smiled Locomotive. “But the most important thing about being chosen for this position is that I bring glory to God and serve others.
“You always wanted to be a leader, Locomotive, so when I asked for my two weeks vacation, I asked if I could switch places with you in exchange for a free tour of the country,” said Boxcar. “And I must say I have forgotten how beautiful the view was from this part of the train.
“The trees have a more normal look to them, the view of the rivers is much better, and I don’t make nearly as much noise as I did when I was Locomotive. And I can take advantage of this opportunity to renew my friendship with Caboose. We were best friends when we started working for the railroad about 20 years ago, but when I was the Number One Boxcar behind Locomotive I didn’t get to talk with him very much, because there was too much distance between us.”
“It sure is great catching up on old times,” said Caboose. “I had forgotten about how much fun it was collaborating with you on writing songs about the railroad. I wrote the words, and you composed the music…We even competed with other trains around the nation and won first place in a songwriting contest…Yes, those were the good old days.”
Locomotive was curious about the aspect of being Locomotive that Boxcar missed the most. “I miss being a leader,” replied Boxcar. “You know, people looking up to me and respecting me, kids beaming with pride when I first came into view, feeling the surge of power when I was given more fuel.”
“I think you have the meaning of leadership all wrong,” said Locomotive. “Leadership isn’t about the feelings you get when people look at you, the self-esteem that you may experience, or the surge of power you get from the extra fuel.
“It’s about serving the people who are riding the train, making sure that they reach their destination comfortably and safely, and taking care of their needs while they are in our care. You agree, don’t you, Caboose?”
Caboose had fallen asleep for a few seconds, and he awoke just in time to hear Locomotive’s question. “You’re right, of course,” said Caboose. “But for me, it’s like vacation all the time, because some people say I’m just along for the ride!”
To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!
Grover loved America with all his heart.
“Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to live in the U.S.A.,” said Grover, who worked as a truck driver.
Grover’s wife, Ginnie, also was very thankful for living in America. “This is the best country in the world,” she told Grover.
Ginnie was enjoying her summer break from her teaching job. Grover and Ginnie planned an Independence Day celebration at their home and invited several friends to share the occasion with them.
Two of Grover’s co-workers, Garth and Genevieve, responded to the invitation with a resounding, “We wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
Georgia, Ginnie’s best friend at work, was also quick to respond affirmatively to the invitation. “I can’t wait for this celebration,” Georgia e-mailed Ginnie. Would you like for me to bring anything?”
Ginnie replied, “If you like, you can bring a CD of your favorite Christian singer.”
The big day arrived and, after talking for a little while, everyone gathered in the kitchen for lunch.
“The hamburgers were super,” said Georgia.
“And the hotdogs were the best I’ve ever tasted,” said Genevieve. “The fresh garlic slices were the perfect added touch.”
“My favorite part of the meal was that scrumptious homemade potato salad,” grinned Garth. “I never would have thought about adding fresh beets, green beans and whole-grain bread crumbs. Nice touch!”
“Thanks for the compliments,” said Ginnie. “Now I think it’s about time for us to listen to some good Christian patriotic music.”
Ginnie, Grover and their guests walked to the den, and Ginnie inserted Georgia’s CD into the CD player. The vibrant female voice filled the room with sounds of faith in God, freedom in America and the fact that Jesus is the giver of true freedom.
After the final song was played, feelings of patriotism and faith were running high. “I’ve always been proud of America, and our time here today has re-enforced those feelings,” said Garth. “And I thank God more than ever for giving us spiritual freedom in the Lord Jesus Christ and for giving us the freedom to worship Him here in America.
“Those songs have helped me to realize more fully the need for Jesus Christ to offer himself as a sacrifice for our sin,” said Genevieve. “And we should always remember the sacrifices of those in America’s Armed Forces who fought and died to keep our country free.”
“Oh, I have one question for you, Georgia,” said Ginnie. “I asked you to bring a CD of music by your favorite Christian singer, but the singer on the CD sounded a lot like you.”
“Well, Ginnie, it was me,” laughed Georgia. “I am my favorite singer. My mom and dad say I can sing better than anyone they know. And my parents are the best judges of music that I know!”
To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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