Enjoy this guest post from author Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!Restaurant Manager came up with an idea to beef up the menu of the upscale restaurant she operated.
Restaurant Manager said diners could share their recipes in the following categories: Meat-and-Potatoes, Veggies, Breads and Desserts.
Four weeks later, Restaurant Manager chose the winning entries, which were added to the menu. Madylin’s Meat Loaf-and-Sweet Potatoes won in the Meat-and-Potatoes category.
Each winner received a certificate good for two free meals at the restaurant. All winners gave their certificates to community members, who were in the lower income levels.
All of those who received the certificates felt they had received a great blessing from the Lord. “The only places I can afford to eat are fast-food hamburger restaurants,” said MandiLu, who received Madylin’s certificate.
MandiLu went to the restaurant for her first free meal. While there, she asked to speak to Restaurant Manager. “This is a great restaurant,” said MandiLu. “I’m going to tell everyone about it.”
“Thank you very much,” said Restaurant Manager. “Word of mouth is our most effective form of advertising.
“While I’m here, I’d like to invite you to the church I attend,” said MandiLu. “Our pastor preaches that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The pastor tells us that it is the job of every Christian to tell others about Jesus’ love.”
“Your pastor preaches it like it is,” said Restaurant Manager.
The following Sunday, Restaurant Manager visited the church. Restaurant Manager was so impressed that at the end of the service she asked to become a member of the congregation. She told the pastor, “You preach the Word of God in a powerful and relevant way. I’d be proud to be a member here.”
“It’s my pleasure to welcome you as a new member,” said the pastor. “And to honor you and all of our other new members, we’re having a time of fellowship and refreshments after tonight’s service.”
During the time of fellowship, all of the new members were given an opportunity to share some thoughts with everyone.
“This is the most dynamic church in town as far as I’m concerned,” said Restaurant Manager. “It serves the best spiritual food in town. I’d also like to take just a moment to invite everyone to visit the restaurant I manage. I believe we serve the best-tasting meals in town. Once again, thanks for allowing me to become a member of this church.”
“It’s our pleasure to have you here,” said the pastor. “I believe you will be a great testimony to the Lord Jesus Christ, and that you will be a great asset to this church.
“And don’t forget…like I say in my sermons… ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.’”
“That’s good preaching,” said Restaurant Manager. “And it’s one Bible truth that makes for a tasty spiritual dessert.”
To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements and puppet ministry, please e-mail kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!Candie LemunDrop was known by all her friends as a very sweet young lady.
Lately, however, Candie had begun exhibiting a few not-so-sweet qualities. At the beginning of each day, she was cheerful and happy. By the end of the day, however, she became irritable and short-tempered.
Candie worked in the office of her husband, Dr. Candy LemunDrop, whose passion was writing creative prescriptions.
“I recently noticed these late afternoon changes in my disposition,” Candie told Candii Lemindrop, a co-worker and her best friend.
“It’s so weird,” said Candie. “One minute, I’m happy and cheerful. The next minute, I feel like I’m my own worst enemy.”
“I have a bright idea,” said Candii. “I’ll set up an appointment for you to see your husband during office hours, that is unless you want to talk to him about it at home.”
“Oh, I couldn’t do that,” Candie said. “We don’t discuss anything at home that is remotely related to work.”
Candii made the appointment for Candie for the following Wednesday. While waiting to see her husband, Candie read several passages from the book of Psalms.
Candie read Psalms 66:1-3, “Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands: Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious. Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! Through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee.”
A short time later, Candie walked into her husband’s office, kissed him on the cheek and said, “Hi, Honey. How is your day going?”
“It’s a great day!,” exclaimed Dr. Candy. “This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.”
“Most of my days start out okay,” said Candie, “but by the end of the day, I’m a miserable wreck.”
“You seem fine at home,” Dr. Candy observed.
“By the time I get home, all my work-related stress has disappeared,” Candie replied. “And you and I have such a good relationship that when I get home I’m feeling fine again.”
Dr. Candy asked his wife about any changes she may have made in her diet.
“You know that I made a decision to lose about 50 pounds,” Candie said. “For a while, I was eating a candy bar after every meal, but I decided not to do that any more.”
“Well, it looks like I’ve already solved your problem,” said Dr. Candy. “You stopped eating candy bars cold turkey, and you used up all your reserves of sweetness.”
“You’re going to write one of your unusual prescriptions for me aren’t you?,” asked Candy.
“I sure am, Sweetheart,” said Dr. Candy. “Don’t ever quit anything as important as candy bars cold turkey. Here’s your prescription. Before you go to bed tonight, eat two candy bars…then call me in the morning!”
To contact the writer of this column about preaching and other speaking engagements, as well as puppet ministry,please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and contact him to let him know you saw him on the Christian Daily Blog!Several of the months of the year held a conference to discuss their level of importance to the world.
Conference participants included January, April, June, September, November and December.
Since she felt so important because she was the first month, January mailed invitations to the months she wanted to attend the conference. She considered including all 12 months, but after giving the matter a few moments of not-so-serious thought, she decided against sending those invitations.
The conference began and, as expected, January was the first to offer reasons for being the most important month. “I’m first for a reason,” said January.
“I offer the first day of every new year,” she said. “I’m definitely the only month who is qualified to be first on the calendar.”
January introduced April with a not-so-friendly, “You’re all wet, but it’s your turn to speak.”
April approached the microphone, raindrops still running down her smiling face. “I only have a few words to say,” she said. “I may be crying on the outside, but I’m smiling brightly on the inside. I’m very sorry that May wasn’t invited to the conference, because she has the most beautiful flowers in the world.”
Full of energy from basking in the sun he provided, June proclaimed, “I’m the month who gives summer to the world. I’m definitely the best month in which to live.”
September felt a little depressed because he was so far down on the agenda. “I know I should be higher than ninth on the list of months,” he sighed. “After all, Labor Day is one of the most important holidays of the year. It’s the last major holiday before autumn officially arrives.”
“You think you’re important!,” snorted November. “I’m the month who offers Thanksgiving to the world. Plus, many people take a day off work to celebrate me.”
“Well, I don’t want to toot my own horn,” said December, who thought she was the prettiest month. “But it seems that since we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ during my month, that I just might be the most important of the months. And don’t forget that I provide the last day of each year for a great New Year’s Eve celebration.”
“Maybe we should have invited all those other months to hear about their contributions to society,” said April.
“And maybe we shouldn’t have done that,” said January. “I don’t like too much competition.”
Sun, Moon and Stars had been listening to the heated discussion. Sun, the spokesman for the group, decided to shed some light on the conversation. “We are at least as important as you guys and gals,” he said. “Without us, you would always be in the dark!”
To contact the writer of this column about preaching and other speaking engagements, as well as puppet ministry,please email kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com.
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