Monday, March 16, 2009

The Awareness of His Presence

Photo Courtesy FreeFoto.comDavid Wilkerson, in his daily email devotional, said today, "I have come to believe that my most important prayers are those quiet whispers of thanksgiving that I offer to him all through the day. This keeps me in the awareness of his presence."

Are you suffering with fear and anxiety over the economic crisis? Are you worried about losing your job, your home, your spouse? Have you faced the loss of a loved one recently or know because of critical illness that you will soon?

Whatever the trials of life you're dealing with now, know that you can have peace when you practice the awareness of the presence of Jesus!

It's not that Jesus isn't with us all the time. He is. God is omnipresent - everywhere all the time. It's just that at times we aren't aware of His presence. We don't sense it or feel it.

But by praying continually and focusing more on Him, we can be aware of His presence through every moment of every day. And what a blessing that is!

Seek out the Lord today. Praise Him for all the little things He has done and is doing in your life. And you'll be blessed by the awareness of the presence of the one and only God of the Universe. What could be better than that?


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