Brodie and Braxton were twin brothers who played in a baseball league which highlighted the potential of players who were twins.
Brodie was the team’s star first baseman, and Braxton was the team’s backup catcher. The boys were always offering support and encouragement to each other, while thinking about the team’s success.
At their local church, the twins played on the Church Baseball League team. Teams in the league only played one game each week, due to the congregation’s many other ministries.
Both Brodie and Braxton had decided to pursue careers as professional baseball players. “Just make sure you pray about it and follow God’s leading,” said Bernice, their mother.
“That’s right,” said Barkley, the boys’ dad. “You’ll always do fine in life if you allow God to lead you according to His plans.”
Brodie and Braxton attended the church’s Youth Baseball Sunday School Class each week and, as Easter drew closer; their attention became more focused on the life of their savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Their teacher, Bertram, asked all of the boys to give a brief oral report about the impact Jesus had made in their lives.
Brodie told the class that Jesus had helped him to focus more intently on his homework. “I just pray and ask the Lord to help me concentrate on the process to get the correct answers to my math questions,” he said.
Braxton said the Lord helped him realize the importance of obeying his parents. “I won’t always be a kid,” he reasoned. “One day, I’ll want to have a family of my own, and I’ll want my children to obey and respect me!”
Bertram complimented everyone for sharing their faith. “As long as you live, you’ll be asked to tell others about your love for God,” he remarked.
Brodie raised his hand and asked for permission to address the class. “As you all know, Braxton and I play baseball in two different leagues,” Brodie said. “And we hope to become major league baseball players.
“I’ve been thinking about Jesus being the savior of the world and about His love for each of us. And I’ve made an observation. Jesus came into the world as the perfect sacrifice. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, was crucified and died on the Cross, was buried and resurrected, and will soon return.”
“Do you have any other observations?,” asked Bertram.
“Just one,” said Brodie. “Jesus is alive and well. In baseball terminology, Jesus was the biggest all-time power hitter in the game of life. Not only did He die on the Cross, he is now living forever for all of us to tell others about it!”
Braxton chimed in, “When he arose from death, he hit the biggest home run in the history of the world!”
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