Monday, January 26, 2009

What Drives You?

Yesterday at church the pastor asked the congregation to think about what drives us. It could be a number of things, he said... guilt, anger, materialism, money, need for approval, work. You name it and it could be a driving force in our lives.

The problem is that all these things he mentioned are temporary. They will - at some point in time - pass away, or cease to exist. The only thing that is worth our complete focus is Jesus. Jesus is the only thing that is big enough to warrant all of our drive, all of our passion.

Think about what drives you today. If it's anything other than God, ask Him to help you get your focus aligned properly. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Trust this promise today and let Jesus drive your life as you surrender it to Him!


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