Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reverent Worship

morgueFile.com - free photosI know I'm from the "Old School" so I tend to expect reverence when we enter what we call the sanctuary. A place where we meet to fellowship together, to hear the word of God read and expounded upon. A place to sing and praise, a place to testify to the grace and goodness of our Heavenly Father.

Some congregations are quiet, some get rather loud, some sing traditional songs, some sing contemporary songs.To me, it doesn't really matter what your style or methods are as long as God is honored. That's what reverence is.

But reverence is about more than a physical building. Reverence is about our life itself.

Jesus said to the Samaritan woman in John 4:23, "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him." (NKJV)

Jesus made this statement when questioned about a place to worship. I've already stated my position on reverence at the place we choose to worship. But consider this: We Christians are the temple of the Holy Spirit. WE are the house He dwells in. When we gather in worship, the Holy Spirit joins us. If we gather for worship.

In our tradition, we say, "It's good to be in God's house today." Consider this, if you will: Jesus is with us all day every day. Why not wake up every day and say, "Jesus, I'm glad you chose to live in me today. Live your life through me and guide me in each step I take." That's reverence.

When we honor Him in that way - with our very life - He will give us a renewed understanding of His wonderful presence. But we must allow Him, and even invite Him, to live through us.

Even our music attests to this belief. Remember the little chorus we sing: "Lord, prepare me, to be a sanctuary..."

My prayer today is this: "Lord, I will be your house to dwell in, live through me."

NOTE: Enjoy this guest post from my husband and fellow Pastor, Greg Bishop.


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