Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Sovereign Lord is in Charge of Climate Change

Enjoy this guest post from Greg Miller and visit his website to let him know you saw him on Christian Daily Blog!

Photo Courtesy morgueFile.comBlizzard 2010 was a small city in the Land of Virtual Winter, USA.

Many cities and towns in the Land of Virtual Winter had seen so much snow that even the residents who loved the white stuff were ready for a reprieve.

The Blizzard 2010 City Council, which met on the second Friday of each month, decided to consider an ordinance forbidding snow, freezing rain or sleet to fall inside the city limits for the remainder of the winter.

Councilman Snowz Grate was the first to speak in favor of the ordinance. “Fellow citizens, we’ve had entirely too much snow this winter,” he said. “I have so much snow at my house that the last bunch of snow flurries started talking among themselves. They were complaining that they were working much harder than this winter’s raindrops.”

“I have more than one hundred cattle on my farm, and they were mooing among themselves,” said Councilman Daree Farmur. “They said the amount of snow, combined with the extremely cold temperatures, was making their lives utterly unbearable.”

Councilman Snow E. Rhoads said the town had used nearly all of its winter salt supply. “So there will be no salt to take care of the streets during the additional accumulating snows that are heading in our direction,” he said.

Councilman Snowz Grate then asked if anyone from the community had additional comments.

SnowCreme D. Zert stood and walked to the podium in the center of the council chambers. “Members of the council, you will be making a huge mistake if you pass the proposed ordinance,” she said.

“It will be a mistake because even if the ordinance passes, the blizzards, blowing winds and arctic temperatures can still come into town. Wind, rain and snow are not subject to our laws.”

“They can’t be subject to our laws now because we have no laws governing bad weather and climate change,” stated Councilman Snowz Grate. “But after we pass the ordinance, they will be required to obey the law, and they must never again enter Blizzard 2010.

The Lord was observing the city council session from his throne, from where He controlled the rain and snow, hot and cold temperatures and whatever climate change He deemed necessary. “I’d like to make one thing perfectly clear!,” said the Sovereign Lord.

“The Blizzard 2010 City Council has no jurisdiction over the weather or the climate!,” exclaimed the Lord. “And I’m the only weather forecaster with a 100 percent accuracy rating.”

“Why are you always so accurate?,” asked Councilman Daree Farmur.

The Sovereign Lord replied, “Because not only do I predict the weather, I decide what it is going to be!”

To contact Greg Miller for speaking engagements or puppet ministry, please email

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